Oh yes i see it in the simulator now…but how is this possible?
If the offset is 0 on all axis it looks fine. But i need the offset so its the actual WCS like i set up.
This makes me confused . So do i somehow set up the RWO offsets? Or what do i do to fix this mess?
I believe you may have it in the center of your stock rather than a corner, which is harder to figure out on the machine. Notice how in the walkthrough, the origin that is chosen is a corner that is easy to figure out by touching off various faces.
Sorry for all the confusion! The G54 offsets are relative to the center of rotation when A and B are at 0. If you’re using the center of rotation of the machine, they should all be 0. Using a point other than the center of rotation can be handy because you don’t need to carefully position your stock in Fusion or on the machine. If you have a process for mounting your part that works for you, then you can use the center of rotation.
I ran into the same problem running a code using the machine center of rotation, after doing a program using Touch control point a few days ago.
I was getting an “exceed axis” error, while the simulator gave me no error.
I took a short break from it and realized the machine had G54s in the system from the last job, still in memory.
In the setup menu, I discovered a submenu in G54 atop the columns of values.
There is an option to remove all g54 offsets. It solved the problem.