Home made DRO for axis positions

Thanks John. I suspected JSON was the requirement. I didn’t know about the login requirement so that’s a big help. I’ll check the documentation and have another try.

Hi John
I’m close to the result i think. Could you check why this code fails. The payload result is not working as i assume the send is wrong but I don’t know why. I write out the .json file but it’s empty so i expect the error. I don’t know why the file is empty as i thought these json payloads would work.
json_loop.py (1.4 KB)

The port is incorrect (should be 8000) and the property name for the username is “user” when logging in.

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Hi John
Thanks for finding my mistakes :sweat_smile:
Looking so hard at it I couldn’t see the obvious copy paste errors.
All working now. Cheers. I’ll share the full project when done. Just waiting for a couple more LED displays to arrive.

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Glad I could help, Paul! I’m excited to see what you came up with :slight_smile:

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Hi John
Got it all formatted and displaying on the LED displays great. just working on the LED display loop now. If I debug step through the code it’s fine but fails after maybe three loops on the tm1637 command when I run normally. Some GPIO thing I need to sort out. Again, all kind of new to me me. Should be completed in a day or two. Golf games getting in the way of hobbies at the moment. :laughing:
Cheers again for your support.

Hello John
This is what I have so far. Just waiting for the other LED modules to arrive and will make a case etc to package it. I’ll share the code and details once I add some comments and clean it up a bit and take out all the testing stuff.
Cheers again for your help.

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And B axis which is the one I don’t have a great solution for as the B axis can realistically go to a signed 4.3 digit number but I can only display a maximum of 6 of the 8 possible. I guess I’ll just drop off the 2nd and third digits only happens on program execution and not a big deal. Jogging is usually limited to +/- 360 or maybe 720 to dial things in. I may just programmatically limit it to show +/- 360. Haven’t decided yet.
Anyway, all working in each axis.

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Looking great @TokyoPav! I think dropping a couple digits would be a reasonable solution for B. You may also have a negative sign, so that would take off another digit sometimes. Alternatively, you could try scrolling through the digits.

Unfortunately the scroll call doesn’t work with the 6 digit implementation of this module without a lot of work. The tm1637 is an extended 4 digit module so lots of stuff doesn’t work. Even had to dig deep into the tm1637 module to find a hidden class just to get this far. :joy:

Quick update for John. I got the DTG values working so I’ll put a toggle switch on the panel to switch between actual position and distance to go with a signal to a gpio pin.
Still waiting for some more LED displays to arrive. The batches I received are slightly different colour so 4 more of each on the way. Just need to wire it all up for testing then make a case.
It’s been a handy project so far to understand the websocket interface.

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Hardware and software working.
I change the number formatting of the b axis display based on the current value. +/- numbers all have different formatting. Seems to be the best solution. Physical switch coded in to change the display from actual to distance to go. In the video I switch from dtg to actual.
Just designing a case now and will also have a pi camera inside so can watch remotely.

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Rendering of the case I’m getting 3D printed. Additional switches for Inch/Metric conversion and maybe something else. Future proof :slight_smile:

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3D printed case arrived. Test fitting spare LED modules and pi camera. Will complete the build next week. I’ll add a metric / imperial switch to the code and case as a final tweak.
I’ll share all the code and 3D models for those who are interested after the build. I had the case printed through Shapeways.

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Need to add a small tripod/gopro attachment to the bottom and I think it’s done.

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That’s incredible! Great work! Once I get a machine I’ll have to make one of these!

I get the desire to have X Y and Z and even A on a DRO, but I can’t fathom how to make good logic of the A and B axis readouts combined.

It seems like a B axis move would kind of ruin the knowledge of the positions of the other axis?
Maybe I’m not thinking right…

–Matthew Schroeder

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That’s the kinematic calculations. The post(at least in NX) knows the distance from center of B axis to center of A axis then it just some highschool maths to work out the rest.
The DRO I made is reading the values from the machine itself.

Got the RPI camera up and running, streaming the work area now. The DRO is now mounted on a small tripod so it can be positioned or raised/lowered as needed. It’s become quite the exercise in many aspects. :sweat_smile:

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This looks awesome. I’m getting my machine prob next week should be here!

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You’re really going to enjoy it. It’s a great machine.