Cutoff cylinder bar stock - Fusion

Relatively new to CNC and g-code. Have a part cut from 1/2" brass bar stock. Have all the setups done in Fusion except for some reason I cannot figure out how to program a cutoff. Ideally want to just use already inserted endmill and rotate B. No matter what I try it will not generate a toolpath. I’m confident I have the axis defined correctly even if it isn’t showing proper orientation in the model. Currently trying swarf but cannot figure out what I’m doing wrong. Trying to do whole thing in Fusion even if not optimal. Any advice would be appreciated.

I had the same problem. If you dont have multi axis function then go with this.
The Video Tutorial is a bit lower in the post.
Be aware when the warning pops up - select “Both Ways” in “Passes” Tab.
Here is the tutorial. As you need to draw a helper Face, to achieve it.
Have Fun.

If i may ask you a question. I had a little break with my Pocket NC.
Yesterday i wanted to make a part. But then I saw that the whole post-processor thing in Fusion changed.
I cant select the V-50 as before. I also missing some settings - foremost TCPC Mode
The Postprocessor i used before called Pocket NC.
Now I only have Penta Machines from Fusion Library.
Then i can pick the Machine model on top of that.
But now missing settings like TCPC Mode.
Which makes me nervous :grimacing:
What Settings you use for a working G-Code?

I do have the multi axis module which in principle should be easier but for purposes of what I’m doing here I’m happy to try anything that works. Thanks for the video. Gives me something to play with and learn from.

Really hard to find content that is good for setting up multi-axis jobs in fusion that isn’t either too simple or unrelated to what I’m trying to do. :sweat_smile:

Im gald to help you out.
Well i guess if you have multi axis, go with that rather than a workaround.

Please can you tell me if you have the option TCPC Mode visible
when configuring the Postprocessor (PocketNC) ?

If so which Processor do you use?
I need to manufacture a piece but can not find any info of how to set the PocketNC Postprocessor with the new layout of Fusion. And i know there can go things wrong when not correctly set up.


Sometimes the easiest way is the best.
There is a sample manual program here.