Cutter compensation?

Good afternoon all,

I tried to run G41 today and it alarmed out (don’t have the alarm to hand right now).
I’m just wondering if cutter comp is possible on
these machines? If so any basic info would be fun!

I’m thinking for finely adjusting features for tolerance and fits etc

Thanks in advance.



Yes, the machines should support cutter compensation. Here is more information on how to implement it.,25.%20G41%2C%20G42%20Cutter%20Compensation,-G41%20<D->%20

Hi, thanks for the reply.

I have read information and it mentions a tool table, I cannot find this, only where the tool length offset goes and the diameter. maybe you could fine tune the diameter box?

I will try run some cutter comp tool paths this evening to see if anything works like

G1 G41 D1 X10

Has anyone got any working examples of code that the pocket NC will work with?


Got it!
Yes (to answer own question) it uses the diameter value in the ‘Setup’ tool offsets area. for anyone interested below is code with a massive arc on to a simple contour just so I could add a big tool diameter to easily spot if the CC works. For Syntax reference see below posted from fusion using the ‘in control’ compensation type using tool 2:

N10 G21
N15 G90 G94 G40 G17 G91.1
N20 G53 G0 Z0.
N25 M5
N30 G53 G0 X63.5 Y63.5
N35 M0
N40 T2 M6
N45 S8500 M3
N50 G54 G0
N55 G0 A0. B0.
N60 G43 H2
N65 G1 X-19.4 Y23.6 F5000.
N70 Z19.5
N75 G1 Z9.5 F518.
N80 Z5.5 F333.33
N85 Z0.6
N90 G18 G3 X-20. Z0. I-0.6 K0. F518.
N95 G17
N100 G1 G41 D2 X-43.6
N105 G3 X-20. Y0. I23.6 J0.
N110 G1 X20.
N115 G3 X43.6 Y23.6 I0. J23.6
N120 G40
N125 G1 X20.
N130 G18 G3 X19.4 Z0.6 I0. K0.6
N135 G1 Z19.5
N140 G17
N145 G49
N150 G53 G0 Z0.
N155 G53 G0 X63.5 Y63.5
N160 G0 A0. B0.
N165 M30

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