Cylindrical stock - joint 2 limit exceeded


I have a problem of exceeding limits of joint 2 when machining a cylindrical stock sticking out of the B-table by 31mm with a ø2.8mm tool which is 38.3mm length and which is sticking out of the tool holder by 27.4mm.

I got the error message: linear move on line 5787 would exceed joint’s 2 negative limit (which I understand is the Z axis).

It seems there is plenty of room to achieve the operation I am planning so I probably mistune some parameters. Where it is weird is that I do a tool probe for Z so my tool length offset should be automatically tuned. I set the Y work offset based on the paper-off test. And I understand there is nothing more I should do since I am dealing with a cylindrical stock.

Could you help me on this one please? Thanks a lot in advance for your support guys!

Below is the one picture I am allowed to upload as a new user. Ill be able to provide you the rest in subsequent exchange I assume.

What does the simulator tab tell you?

Alternatively, if you include your G code, tool length offset and Y work offset, we could look at it in the external simulator.

Hi and thanks for the quick answer!

I am quite new to PocketNC and not very confident in how to set the simulator parameters (external in my case). But set as in the picture below (with the Z-TLO provided by the tool probe) it actually detects a problem

My current problem is solved now: I was actually told that I could extend the toolholder further towards Z- and it actually solved my problem by giving me an additional 15mm reach in Z-.

My conclusion is that I was probably very simply reaching the physical limit of the travel in Z because the tool holder was really in a retracted position. In the initial position shown in the picture below, the tip of my tool (although I made it stick out a lot from the tool holder) was not even sticking out of the minZ travel limit. Now it is a good 5-8mm forward the minZ travel limit.

Let me send you a picture of the position of the tool holder in my next reply, if you can just maybe confirm that it is safe.

The flat mark on the tool holer was flush with the collet. Now as you can see in the picture it is around 15mm in the Z- direction.

Also, this solves another problem I observed for a few weeks that, in the previous position of the tool holder, the pressure hose at the back was continuously touching the frame of the CNC and even partially locked against the piston of the CNC door in case of a tool change. Now it touches it but only in a very retracted position.

Yeah, I found this really useful myself (have been using 20mm of additional stickout for a year so I can machine right down to the B-table at A=90). This was not well documented at the time. Note: if you use Fusion and the machine simulation option I’d recommend updating the machine model to reflect, but it is this is a bit of a pain if you don’t know the trick! @ Penta documentation guys, is this explained somewhere 'cause I couldn’t find it when I went looking recently?

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@M_G if you are referring to the trick of increasing spindle stick-out being documented somewhere, the answer is yes. We have a Youtube video that shows that trick. It can be seen here.

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@qrothing yes the trick of moving the spindle is documented in the video, but the trick of updating the machine model in Fusion 360 to reflect this is not.

Ah, yes, that was intentional. We wanted the tip to be as generic as possible and knew that changing the settings in a CAM software to reflect the change was not necessary to make the tip work.

I am glad you got things working like you want and we appreciate you posting about your experience here!

Happy Machining!