Desk Proto Any users?

I bought a V2-10 about a year ago right as fusion was removing the multi axis toolpaths from the hobbyist version of Fusion 360. Since that time my machine has just been sitting as I have been unwilling to pay nearly 2k in order to get a multi axis version of F360. I have considered selling the V2 more than once although I have held on to it as it is just such a neat and capable (with software) little machine. This week I have a small project that would be ideal for the V2 so I again set about researching affordable Cam solutions for the machine. I was aware of Desk Proto in the past but had dismissed it as an option. I was watching some of their videos and reading some of the tutorials over the last couple of days. I wanted to see if anybody was actually using it, and if they were having any success at all? It is much more reasonable at less than 300 US for the personal version, but I of course dont want to throw more money at the problem if it is of no use in the end. They do have several vids although most are not specific to the V2, so I was hoping for some real world feedback from any actual users. Thanks in advance. I should add that most of my parts would be of the 3+2 nature although the rotary spiral path that would possibly allow me to fake some small lathe parts is intriguing as well. Thanks again.

Hi Nebraska Trevor,

Here are some links to DeskProto that might interest you:

Index machining tutorial:

Rotary machining tutorial:

Let me know if you have any issues with these links.

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I have been studying the dice tutorial since that is most applicable to my end use case. I just downloaded the trial with the watermark on the screen and I will try to work my way thru the tutorial and see what kind of luck I have. Unfortunately it looks like no ability to output code with the trial as far as I can tell so there wont be a good way to validate its usefulness with my actual machine which is what I would really like to do before spending any money but at least this will give me a good sense of the software side of things. Thanks,.

I know this doesn’t answer your question, but it is relevant to your situation and is often overlooked so I figured I would throw it out there.

While Fusion 360’s core license is definitely more than $300 (~$500) a year, it is worth noting that it does include 3+2 tool paths. You only need the machining extension (that costs the extra ~$1500) if you need/want to run true simultaneous 5 axis toolpaths. And if you do need true 5 axis toolpaths occasionally, you can buy credits towards those types of toolpaths when you need them and avoid paying for access to them all the time.

Just wanted to make sure this was known, in case in makes any difference for you.

You might also look in the options that Mastercam is offering now. They have been working pretty hard at offering affordable license options for hobbyists and students.

Hope this helps in some way!

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As Q said, this doesn’t answer your question about Proto, but gives another alternative.
Fusion should include HSM, with 3+2 and 5 axis simultaneous tool paths. HSM integrates into Solidworks and SW has some good deals out there.
You can even import your Fusion 360 models into SW, then do the CAM work SW. HSM in SW is very similar to Fusions CAM.
Hope this is all still true, it has been a year since I tried this!

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I’m a new V2-10 user and new to CNC in general user and quickly abandoned Fusion given its increasingly hobbled (I’m on the hobby version of course) output.
I’ve looked at Deskproto and it’s priced pretty competitive certainly against the big cam software packages and they have refreshed some of the PNC information to be more specific to PNC.
The tutorials I found a little confusing and (particularly the dice - maybe the six equal sides does not help?) So I’ve not pulled the trigger quite yet until experiment a little more on its coordinates and tooling libraries.

Your comments very accurately mirror what I have found as I search for a cam package to use with the V2. Fusion is for sure my first choice, but the fact that it is 680 every year (I realize there are periods when it is on sale for closer to 500) is a real bummer. That can add up very quickly, and then of course 3+2 is all you get. The desk Proto looks less polished for sure, but the fact it can be obtained for a one time fee of about US275 is at least more appealing. I had indeed researched the mastercam side of things as well. I applied for the Hoby version and got an email back from MC letting me know that I was approved and that a reseller would contact me soon…that was 6 months ago and no joy.

It really is unfortunate that the F360 license is every year. I could probably stomach the 500-680 one time, but not every year. At least with desk proto it is a one time hit unless they come out with a new version that you want and then they only charge what appears to be a very fair upgrade fee if you choose to get it. I need to work thru that dice tutorial this weekend and see how it suits me. I was really hoping there would be at least a couple people on here who would report good success with it, but it would seem that if those people exist they are busy making nice parts, not seeing my silly comments :slight_smile:

Interesting you say Mastercam have a hobby licence I’d looked at the education version and a couple of the you tube tutors but it seems to be a lot of button pushing to generate toolpaths. May need to revisit that one………
Solidcam also have a hobby (maker as they describe it) version but that is severely limited in its post processor choice (basically mach3)
I’m going to give deskproto another try with the mando helmet and in place of the dice I’ll substitute a turner cube (with a sphere and other facets in it’s core) last time I tried that desk proto (or probably myself ) struggled with tool choice to get deep cuts.

But in other news I am making a little progress in debugging gcode once it hits the Penta Sim page I get the odd message on z exceeds range and I can bring it back by editing the numbers.