Help getting started - missing documents and mini USB port

We have a Pocket NC v2 machine at our Makerspace which I am trying to get to run.
Because “reasons” things are missing, like tools, pins and important configuration data (B-Table offset etc).

Some other info:
Hardware version: v2 Revision R
Software version: v4.1.3

Looking at the machine from the front I can see that the mini USB port is missing.
It even looks like it was never mounted on the PCB.
The machine is in the serial number 17xx range.
Is it suppose to look like this ?

Because of missing documents I don’t even know which version of manual I should be using.
Ideas, anyone ?

I would like to upgrade the firmware (at time of writing, latest is v4.8.1),
but I get confused about Kinetic Control (which this machine doesn’t have - I believe)
and the fact the mini USB port is missing and the USB port is mentioned here
and there in the Legacy upgrade instructions. Also, should I upgrade directly to
the latest version and skip all intermediaries ? Is that even possible?

Also, I read somewhere about a procedure for determining the B-table offset,
but the hyperlinks on Pentamachines homepage seems to be dead or referring to oblivion.

On a positive note, the machine seems to be working, I can connect using a web browser
and home all, all servos can be jogged and spindle can be controlled.
I also did a dry-run of the spiral demo which seemed to finish properly.

I would like to get the relevant info so that I can document the machine properly
and get it to run they way it was suppose to so any help is appreciated.

Kind regards,

Hi Micke,

Send an email to and we’ll take care of your issues.