Kinetic Control not Opening after new BeagleBone installation

V2-50 CHB, with case. The old beaglebone mini USB plug broke off, so I replaced the beaglebone. Along with it I decided it is time to upgrade the software to Kinetic Control, so I installed the microSD as outlined in the instructions and then installed the beagle bone as outlined in the instructions. Then i cleared the browser cache and attempted to open pocket NC. However, it now opens Cloud 9 script software and I’m not so sure what I should do now. Machine number is past 1800 but just barely. I still have the old beaglebone and i re-soldered the connector, its just not 100% perfect so i have to keep pressure on the plug to get it to connect. What should I do? Is there a separate software I need to imbed into the beaglebone? I do have Javascript experience so I could do that.

Hi @SpikeyMikey

A beaglebone purchased from anyone other than us will not work without additional steps that are specific to your machine.

The simplest solution here is to purchase a new beaglebone from us. However, if you want/or need to make the beaglebone you have on hand work, we can provide some resources for that.

Either way, please send us an email at when it is convenient for you and we will do what we can to assist you.