New post for PNC V2-10 and updated post for PNC-V1

Hello Everybody
I have created a new postprocessor for the PocketNC V2-10. I have split the post into two streams now due to the differences between the two machines.
I have updated the PocketNC V1 postprocessor also to reflect some minor changes requested by the community and to update to the latest Postprocessor libraries.
I have also updated the configuration document to reflect the changes I made and point to the new forums.
I have placed the files on my google drive.

@Q from PocketNC. If there is a better way to share these files then please let me know.

If you have any quests, comments, changes or some help to install please don’t hesitate to to contact me. :+1:

@TokyoPav, this is a great place to share the updated NXCAM post processors. Have you tried uploading them directly to a forum post?


Just saw your other post here - Siemens NXCAM Post Processor and Machine Simulation Kit - #2 by TokyoPav

If possible, it might be good to keep all of the updates in that thread so there is a bit of a history on how the post processors have developed.


Hi Q
I will do keep all the updates in one place :+1:

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thanks for the awesome information.

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