New user - getting mixed results setting origin with Fusion and Kinetic Control

Hi. New CAM and V2-50 user here. I’ve been doing solid modeling for many years, but using Fusion and Kinetic Control are new for me. I’m sure I’m making a simple mistake. Hopefully someone can help me navigate through the issue.

I’ve had success with using Fusion to send gcode to my V2-50 and perform the goal machining with two simple parts. However, when i used what I am pretty sure are the exact same setup WCS, i’m getting mixed results with almost identical parts. I’m confident it is some small setting i’ve got wrong. But i’ve been troubleshooting for several hours trying different combinations of WCS in my Fusion setup as well as my tool orientations in my 2D boring operations without resolving the issue.

I keep getting gcode in Kinetic Control that yields error messages such as “Linear move on line 20 would exceed joint 0’s negative limit”. When i run simulator in Fusion the run looks perfect every time, but when i send the code to Kinetic Control the simulator shows that the model/stock is clearly in the negative (out of operating envelope) side of the X axis.

I’m pretty confused because this same setup (I think) has worked perfectly a couple of times with wonderful results in my aluminum part. I’m way excited about the V2-50 and Q at Penta has been super regarding helping. Great customer service.

I’m sure it’s likely something that i’m doing wrong in setting the origins in Fusion, but i’m not able to figure out what it is i’m doing wrong. I’ve seen from the forums that i can reset the G54 offsets by using “G10 L2 P1 X0 Y0 Z0”. I’ve tried that and started fresh numerous times without resolving the problem. My model/stock keeps pushing forward off of the build plate into the negative X direction.

Any ideas to help me head towards figuring this out? Thanks

If you post your G code here, we could take a look at it in our own simulator, which is often a better representation of what the machine will actually do. If you attach it to a post there’s even a buttton to open the simulator.

Thanks John. Will get that done ASAP

What origin are you setting on your Fusion Setup? If that origin is not the same as the center of rotation of the machine, then you will need to locate that point by setting your work offset in Kinetic Control. For example, if you’re using the front right corner of your stock, you could jog in with a tool to locate the X, Y and Z location of that point.

Make sure that the tool that you are using has been measured and that its tool length offset is active.

Finally have had time to get to this. I’ve got an example gcode that works and one that does not. I was going to upload the file, but just got a message that new users are not able to upload files.

Is there an alternate way?

You should now have permissions to upload a file. Sorry about that!