# of tools possible in Kinetic Control

Hi Smart Folks,

Is it possible to set up Kinetic Control with more than 52 tools or is 52 the limit?


Hey @4B2LrnForum,

We have a way to add more tools in Kinetic Control but it requires changing a file in the machine’s software and it is not something we have fully tested, so there is a chance it cause other issues initially.

If you would like to hear more about this option go ahead and shoot us an email at service@pentamachine.com and we can discuss what it would look like to give this a try.


Thanks for the info Q! The reason i’m asking is that even though i’m a cnc rookie, i’ve now got over 30 different end mills. I was going to try to number them like 1-20 ball tips, 30-50 flat tips, 60-80 specialty bits, etc. Sort a little system for simplicity. I can try to do the same thing with the 52 options for now. I’m a little nervous to try the file change since I’m on the low end of a steep learning curve.

Fingers crossed you folks can expand that at some point in the future.

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