PocketNC v2-10 For sale

I’m just trying to see if anyone is interested in buying my pocketnc v2-10. I bought it in June 2021 and upgraded to kinetic control. I used it only maybe 5 times and only with the blue wax blocks. And it’s just been sitting for a while now and just trying to make more space. I’m located outside of Huntsville Alabama. I don’t have the shipping bolts anymore and would prefer to do pickup if possible. Looking to get $4000 or best offer.

Definitely interested in this
Would you ship to the UK

Did you end up finding a purchaser for this or is it still available?
Would be interested if you still have it.

Yes I actually just sold it or well trading it for something locally today.

Roger that. Appreciate the response.

Did you get something fun and exciting for it at least?


Hallo mein Name ist Christian und ich komme aus Deutschland in der Oberpfalz.

Ich bin neu in der Community Forum Penta Pockekt NC,

Ich bin Hobbybastler und baue Werkzeugmaschine im Maßstab 1:18 nach für den Modellbau.

Ich suche eine Pocket NC für meine Bastler arbeiten.

Könnt Ihr mir bitte sagen ob es Vorführmaschinen und Gebauchte Pocket NC Maschinen gibt ?

Ich freue mich auf Eure Hilfe

Guten Rutsch ins Neue Jahr 2025 mit viel Gesundheit.

Gruß Christian

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Looking also for a used V2-10 machine in Europe…

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