In the simulation, all toolpaths are displayed correctly and are confirmed with a green check mark for OK. No error or warning is displayed in the simulation.
But the postprocessor run does not work. An error message appears.
The error message in the PP came suddenly. I had no problems with the PP before.
Can someone please help me, I would be very happy.
Does anyone know the error message?
I look forward to your support.
Best regards, Christian from Germany in Regensburg Oberpfalz
I’ve never selected a machine in the setup before. I always simulated and posted without machine configuration. It always worked and there was no error message.
But it hasn’t worked for about a week.
I always get an error message when the postprocessor runs.
I believe the post processor requires that, if you check the log file from post I think it tells you that. Just do as I described and let me know if it solved your problem.
This is from the postprocessor file, Penta machine.cps:
longDescription = “Post processor for all Penta Machine milling machines. Supports the following models:” + EOL + EOL +
“Solo, Pocket NC V2-50, Pocket NC V2-10, Pocket NC V2-8L, Pocket NC V1” + EOL + EOL +
"You must select your machine configuration to post process your G code for the appropriate machine. " +
"Pocket NC V2-8L and Pocket NC V1 machines default to no TCPC support. " +
"If your V2-8L has the advanced software upgrade or your V1 has been upgraded to Kinetic Control, you must edit your " +
“Machine Configuration and under Kinematics select each of the rotary axes and check the TCP checkbox in order to use TCPC.”;
This is the error you get in the posted file if not selecting the machine definition:
Error: This post processor requires a Machine Definition. Assign the proper Penta Machine from the Fusion Machine Library to the Setup.
okay for me i have the legacy software and in order to use the latest update with legacy software i need to edit something in the machine configuration, i think it the tcpc and so on but i dont know how
another question, now i am having a model where i need to have more than different offsets, my question is if my my setup is on an offset and the rest of processes are on different wps will it cause problem, is it even possible or no cause i found no one talking about that case. thanks
That requirement is due to the direction Autodesk is moving with their post processor management. I would recommend reaching out to them with questions as we simply provide the information needed to create accurate, working post processors.