I bought a dovetail fixture for my V2-10 machine. The stock preparation directions gives the following dimensions:
D05125-Dovetail-Stock-Preparation.pdf (1.3 MB)
Based on the drawing, I looked at some Harvey Tool dovetail cutters. Given the required depth (0.08in) of the 45° dovetail, my only option seems to be this 5/16" cutter (Harvey Tool 16820), which will fit into the ER11 (5/16) collet, but exceeds the 0.25" max allowable diameter for the tool length offset probe.
I measured the diameter of the probe button, and it seems to be at least 0.35", which is greater than the 0.3125" diameter of the tool.
So is it actually safe to use the tool length offset probe for 5/16" tools? What are my alternatives?