Is there an option to switch off the stepper motors (make the red button blink) via web interface or SSH?
There are keyboard shortcuts in the Config tab > Client tab. Somewhere in that list is E-Stop, which doesn’t have a keybinding by default. I sometimes set it to Ctrl+E, when I need to be able to E-Stop from the web interface, but you can set it to whatever you like. When on the Setup or Manual tabs, the keyboard shortcut should work.
Hi John,
thank you! Works perfekt. Could we probably also map it to the red AUX Button of the pendant? Would be cool to have a toggle function there: ON/OFF…
I don’t think there’s currently a way to have the pendant toggle e-stop without using two separate buttons but you can have one button bound to either trigger E-Stop or reset E-Stop. You can go to the Config tab > Server tab > Machine Config Panel > INI Overlay tab. Click the Edit Overlay button in the bottom right. On the left hand side, if there is a HANDHELD_CONSOLE section click on that, otherwise click the + button to add a section named HANDHELD_CONSOLE. On the right hand side, click the + button to add a new parameter. Name it BUTTON_3_SIGNAL. Set its value to estop-4 if you want that button to trigger an E-Stop. Set its value to reset-estop-4 if you want it to take the machine out of E-Stop. Then click the Save button in the bottom right. Then click Restart Services for it to take effect.
I’ll look into adding toggle estop signals, but we don’t currently have any that it can be tied into.
According to the AUX button should be BUTTON_2_SIGNAL. I described the color incorrectly
Gotcha, yes, if you want the blue button, you can follow the same steps but use BUTTON_2_SIGNAL.