Update to V5.8.1

After the update I get an error: “ö< rwo2joints>” in file “rotated-work-offsets-v2.ngc” not found !?

Besides, does the JOG wheel from the “made by cnc” device behave different! It look like the acceleration time is different than before and it has an extremely lag time, when turning the wheel fast. The previous software (or configuration) behaved a lot more direct and accurate…

Update: I copied the file “rwo2joints.ngc” to the same folder of “rotated-work-offsets-v2.ngc” - Now it is running at least.

Do you have any custom modifications to your machine configuration? Any changes to the INI overlay in Config > Server > Machine Config > INI Overlay?

The INI overlay holds only the old settings for the handheld. AFAIR this was just a single entry and there was no accelaration value which could be overridden…

Can you be more specific about where you copied the rwo2joints.ngc file from and to and any other commands you ran to allow that to happen? On Kinetic Control, most of the filesystem is read only so you shouldn’t be able to perform this copy.

My mistake! I copied via SFTP:

Ok, thanks, that makes more sense! Could you please run these commands and post the output?

cat /var/opt/pocketnc/PocketNC.ini | grep SUBROUTINE_PATH
cat /var/opt/pocketnc/CalibrationOverlay.inc | grep SUBROUTINE_PATH

1st file:
2nd file:

Ok, that’s the problem. Your CalibrationOverlay.inc file shouldn’t have the SUBROUTINE_PATH in there. It’s overriding what should be in there and the default includes what’s currently in your path. The solution is to remove that, which can be done by editing your CalibrationOverlay.inc file directly or using the UI in Config > Server > Machine Config > INI Overlay. Click the Edit Overlay button, then click the RS274NGC section and delete the SUBROUTINE_PATH entry. Click Save and then Restart Services for it to take effect.

As for the pendant, could you share a bit more information? The pendant settings can be found in Config > Server > Machine Config > Active INI. These are the defaults:

I believe we did slow the jog acceleration down (I think this was intended more for the Solo). There’s not a great way to turn it up automatically right now, but I could make the acceleration a configuration variable in a future release. Right now, if you’d like to turn the acceleration up you can run these commands, which will stay in effect until you restart:

halcmd setp joint.0.jog-accel-fraction 1
halcmd setp joint.1.jog-accel-fraction 1
halcmd setp joint.2.jog-accel-fraction 1
halcmd setp joint.3.jog-accel-fraction 1
halcmd setp joint.4.jog-accel-fraction 1

Note that these are all configured to .1 by default. You can set them to anywhere between 0 and 1.

Ok, the jog acceleration will be fixed in v5.8.2.

Great to hear!
The other changes to the INI file I will apply, when the machine stops producing…

HandHeld is also working as before! Thanks John!