Using Josh Pieper Probe with Fusion 360

I have Josh Pieper excellent probe for my machine and the internal and external cylinder probing routines all work as expected.

I am trying to figure out how to use it to set the x, y and z coordinates using TCPC mode through Fusion 360 probing, but I get an error when Post Processing using latest post processor for Kinetic Control. The error is " Error: The probe cycle ‘probing-x’ is machine specific and must always be handled in the post configuration.

Error in operation: ‘Probe WCS2’"

For my example I am using the numbered block in the Penta course.

Am I doing something wrong or is Fusion probing not supported?

Thanks for any help


I believe Penta’s current post processor for Fusion does not support probing routines.

I’ve played around with using the stock LinuxCNC probing scripts, but haven’t been able to get super consistent results with the values out of the fusion post processor. I have a fork going of jpieper’s repo with a sample post processor, but it is still very prone to crashes

Thanks for the reply, I will check out your sample post processor and give it a try. Unfortunately not sure I will be add much value as coding skills are very limited. Hopefully eventually Penta will add the capability to the official post processor.


Is Penta’s current post processor for Fusion 360 open source? I can’t seem to find it on GitHub but am new to the CNC side of things so might be missing what I’m looking for…

@vectronic, while we regularly work with Autodesk to improve the Pocket NC post processor, they host it and make it available to the public. You can download the post processor from the Autodesk Post Library and then edit it if you would like.

I hope this helps,


Thank you for your response.

Beyond the complexity and effort of implementing, is there anything anyone knows of which would prevent the extension of the post processor to support Fusion 360 probing steps being exported to be exported either to use the “Josh Pieper Probe” scenario or any other probe option which might be integrated into the PocketNC hardware/LinuxCNC implementation?

Again being new to CNC (but not to software/electronics) I don’t want to dive down a blocked off rabbit hole…

We’re in the process of developing routines in Kinetic Control which will make it more feasible to implement probing in Fusion’s post processor. We should have something within the next month or so.

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Honestly, as I use my probe right after I manually positioned the part, I prefer using it in a manual manner. Then I can assure the proper position and orientation, before I press the start-button. I usually align my coordinate frames by referencing small drillings with 4 automated movements (executed directly on the machine) - which increases the accuracy in comparison to referencing just faces.