What type of pocket NC is this

Hi I am currently an engineering student and my shop teacher wants me to set up a run down on the shops pocket NC. Issue is it doesn’t look like any other online and I can’t get it to work with anything online.

Here is a picture of it I could really use some help thank you in advance

This is a V1 machine. If the software on it has never been updated, then it will be difficult to follow any tutorials online. Kinetic Control, our latest software, does work on the V1: Software — Penta Machine Co.

All of our V1 resources can be found here: https://pentamachine.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PNFUR/pages/369131710/V1+Resources

Our simulator can be configured to be a V1 as well. You can go directly to this link and the V1 will be setup: https://sim.pentamachine.com/?machine=V1

You can also go to https://sim.pentamachine.com, click the Stop button, then in the menu in the bottom right select the V1.

Hi thanks for your help the only other question is about the sim warnings for M0 M1 and M30 those seem to be fine from the tutorials online but are there any of these warning ones I have to worry about?

sorry for the double but my teacher lost the paper that would contain the b table offset is there a secondary way of getting that info maybe using the serial number.

There are other codes that the simulator hasn’t implemented, so it is important to always look at those warnings. A couple that specifically come to mind is G41/G42 for cutter compensation. This isn’t as commonly used, especially on the Pocket NC, but it really depends on you CAM software and post processor. If you’re using Fusion 360 or Mastercam, these generally aren’t used unless you intentionally try to use them.

As for your B table offset, you’ll need to get in contact with service@pentamachine.com. Be sure to include your serial number.

Sorry it has taken so long but getting cabling with school money takes a while.
I current have plugged a male to male usb and an hdmi along with the power cable. The blue lights won’t come on and there is no sign of power. The xing and puddy are assumandly working and running the programs comes up with conection time out.

All the power outlets work btw

Have you turned on the power switch above the power cable? Also, what is the USB cable going to? There are two different ways V1 users originally interacted with their machine.

  1. Hook up a keyboard and mouse via a USB hub plugged into the USB port you have something plugged into. Hook the HDMI cable up to a monitor. Turn on the machine and you’ll be able to click into menus to open a terminal to start up LinuxCNC.

  2. Plug your own computer into the Pocket NC’s micro USB port (this is the smaller one to the right of the USB cable you currently have plugged in). Once the machine is powered up, you’ll be able to use xming to forward windows on the Pocket NC over to your computer.

Neither of these workflows are standard now as Kinetic Control is the recommended workflow (with Kinetic Control you’ll still need a micro USB cable and your own computer to connect, but you’ll simply use your web browser rather than needing to install and run xming).

Regardless of the workflow, we need to ensure your machine powers up properly. No lights come on when you turn on the power switch (you should be able to see blue lights in the cracks around the USB ports)?

Ok thanks I was a bit confused but I think I got it. Can’t do it rn as winter break

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