Hidden G92 offsets leads to limit errors

I have knocked the dust off of my v2-10 after nearly a year and for the life of me I cant get it to run a program for the life of me. I thought it would make sense to run the last little part that I had success with a year ago just to get my head wrapped around things again but that has proven to be a mess for me. I can not get the program to run past line 17 because it is not happy with the move asked for on the “A” axis. I just dont understand why not. When it starts “a” is at 0 and the program seems to be asking it to be going to 90 deg which seems reasonable…Please tell me what this idiot…(my words) is missing. I tried not to post the question here but after 4 hours of reading and messing around I am begging for mercy here!


I should add this is a program I ran several times in the past about a year ago…I must be setting something up incorrectly. My setup is as follows, a 6mm rod held in the collet sticking out about 25mm. I use G54 to zero the “Y” with the tool tip on center aligned by eye to the centerline of the end of the stock, perpendicular to it. I seem to remember that this is as I did it months ago, but I may be missing something.

Do you have an A work offset in place? The simulator tab is often helpful to track down issues like this.

Thanks for the Reply, on a Holiday no less…I dont believe that I have any A offsets applied. When the table is Horizontal it shows 0 on the DRO and when it is vertical it shows 90. It is the same if I restart the machine and start from scratch. I should say that in Fusion I have the WCS set to the end of the round bar With the “Z” running the length of the 6mm bar. I did use the simulator and it will run in there, but the entire carriage turns red for much of the cycle, and there are several errors listed. It has to be something to do with how I am setting this up because I ran it months ago. In my process of re learning I clearly did not do something right with the coordinates/offsets, but for the life of me I cant figure out what it is. I will see that the paths it draws in the simulator are all pretty much what I remember the cycle looking like leading me to believe that I am close…but not close enough!

Can you post your G code here with your tool and work offsets listed?

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Sure thing, I will do it in the am. Just called it a day in the garage.

ok, I hope these screenshots will help. Please let me know what else I can provide. Thanks!

And here is the G code
U joint eight end mill.ngc (20.0 KB)


It looks like you may have a Z work offset that you don’t want in there. Your tool length offset also looks off. I would expect it to be somewhere closer to -3 or so depending on the stick out of the tool. The tool length offset is how far the machine needs to move from the fully retracted position to put the tip of the tool at the center of rotation of the machine.

Ok, I will dig into that right now. T10 is in and probed, should I do something else to the TLO?

Progress, I re probed the tool, (3.43") and now the program starts and runs the first facing operation. Then it faults out again. Interestingly it tells me that the failure is on line 22, yet the code was up to line 47 in the program so I dont understand that part.

Did you clear the Z work offset? It’s on the setup tab under the G54 column.

I dis setup…work offsets…clear current system…I think the whole thing come down to me somehow not orienting my part correctly at all. The machine does not know where it is at relative to how I have drawn it in fusion, that is Centered in a collet with the WCS centered on the round bar and about an inch of stock sticking out of the collet, with the Z parallel to the length of the Round bar Such that 0,0,0 is centered on the round bar with the endmill just touching the face of the round bar…I thought that this was an OK way to do it, but now I am having doubts?

That sounds like a good way to do it. That would mean, though, that your X and Z offsets will be 0 and the Y offset will need to be found (it sounds like it will be about .15" inches above the center of rotation of the machine). With your tool offset in place and the machine at A0 B0, you can jog the tool over in Z until the tip is over the stock, then carefully jog in Y until the stock just touches the tool. The Y work offset should be the Y position minus the radius of your tool. Enter that value into the Y row under G54 on the Setup tab on the Work Offsets panel. With the tool in that position, you can also click the icon that looks like the image below and enter the radius of your tool and the correct position will be calculated for you:
Screenshot 2024-09-03 at 9.01.08 AM

I will try that…I know I did this a year ago, and I seem to recall that it was even pretty easy, but for some reason now it is kicking my behind. I will do what you suggested with both rotaries at 0 deg, and I think I will just advance the tool in z out close to the part and eyeball the center line of the tool so that it coincides with the end of the part and set “Y” offset there? I always leave some material on the end of my part that I skim off in the first operation so eyeball should be close enough I think! Thanks, I will report back!

That sounds like it would work, as well. Let us know how it goes!

No luck. cleared all of the offsets, set it to use G54, then jogged teh tool over as suggested before and only changes the Y offset using G54, when I did the Y axis DRO changed to 0.000 I then hit cycle start, and it moves to home, starts the spindle for a split second and tells me that the A move on line 17 exceeds the limits. I am restarting the Machine hardware and web portal now in case I have something in there that I somehow failed to clear out and then I will try again starting from a clean slate if you will and I will only change the Y axis using G54 again and report back the results in a bit. Thanks.

I’m still confused about that error as well. Here are a couple MDI commands to try to ensure the rotary work offsets are cleared (even though it looks like they are 0):

G10 L2 P1 A0 B0

Here is another command that should print out the limits of the A axis (should be -26 136):

;debug,#<_hal[ini.3.min_limit]> #<_hal[ini.3.max_limit]> 
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Still no luck. Fresh reboot of everything. Loaded up T10 and probed it. Aligned it as pictured, switched to G54 and only affected the value of Y once it was eyeball centered on the end of the part. Try to run it, faults out on the rotary A axis saying it is out of limits…