Replacement CHB collet wrench

Hi all,

I have a V2-50 with CHB collets. I (well actually the original purchaser) lost the CHB collet tightening/loosening wrench. 1/4in hex wrench is too small. 7mm hex wrench is too big. 6.5mm hex wrench is too doesn’t-exist. Store doesn’t sell replacement. I’ve scoured the internet and can’t find a replacement. I’m marring up my expensive collets with cheap pliers getting them in and out. I’m about to custom order some laser or waterjet cut steel sheet but I don’t want to wait the 3-6weeks lead time. Any suggestions?

Thanks in advanced.

We do not have replacement wrenches listed on our website but we do have them in stock.

You can send an email to and we can get a wrench to you.

I filled in a request on the Contact page and Bob Johnson from sales reached out immediately.

Thanks Bob!!!
