V5.8.2 tool wear

After the update to 5.8.2 I notice the tool diameter value has shifted into the tool wear value. Is this how it should be or the tool wear should start off at zero?

That is the expected behavior as tool wear is stored in the same location that tool diameter used to be. You should manually update your tools to have the actual diameter be in the tool diameter column. Tool wear should be set to 0, but can also be updated with small values to fine tune tool paths that are configured to use tool wear. Until you update the tool diameter, the simulator won’t properly show tools in the 3D view.

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Ok cheers.
I did see the simulator not showing the tool which prompted me to check the tool settings.
I’ll clear and reset all the tools to be sure.

The tool diameter resets to 0.000 everytime I restart the web. Every other setting in the tool offsets is saving.

Thanks for reporting this. We’ve identified a bug that prevents the tool diameter from being saved properly in some situations. This will be fixed in v5.8.3.

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v5.8.3 is now live with the fix.

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Awesome! I’ll give it a try this weekend.