Z readout in v3.6 Kinetic Control


I am trying to rejuvenate a V2-10 which someone else bought in a shop and hasn’t been used by anyone for a while. The Kinetic Control is in version v3.6.0. One weird thing to me is that the z readout from the machine doesn’t seem to match with the appropriate value for penta simulator - for both tool offset and part z-offset. (x,y- offsets work fine). For example, I got TLO value from the automatic TLO finding and I put this number to the penta simulator with my g-code, then z-coordinates are way off in the simulation.

Somehow, I got a clue from this post (Simulator Update v0.8.0 - #3 by john). If I put 3 inches minus the value I got from the machine (3 - v), then everything looks fine. So, is it just good to go or should I additinally offset 3 inches in every z values. Or should I update the software?

Please guide me, it will be a big help.

Send an email to service@pocketnc.com and I will assist you in updating your Kinetic Control software. Include your machine’s serial number, click here. I would begin by reviewing your G5x offset values on the Kinetic Control Setup page. It is always good practice to clear your G5x values, perform a TLO measurement, and then perform any necessary touch offs.